"Empowering individuals to take control"
we are helping people in recovery to transform their lives
- Substance Use Disorders
- Mental Health Challenges
- Suicide Prevention
We are helping individuals remove personal and environmental barriers and take action towards realizing their visions, goals, and desires."
Community Voices

helping homeless Vets and their families

Education and Self Care is Key

Giving Back
Sharing our stories
through a peer-led
program for lasting
We provide 72-hr state-approved Peer Recovery Training, along with Mental Health, Substance Use, and Stress & Anger Management Education.
Impacting the community with individual/group therapy, Peer Recovery support, and Community Resources.
​Taking action collaboratively through initiatives and local partnerships.
Peer Support Training through our Fiscal Partner Zeno Wellness Group
Peer Support Recovery Groups
Virtual Educational workshops
Returning Citizen's career planning
In addition, That Zen Life Wellness Foundation offers a unique blending of peer-to-peer services aimed at strengthening nonclinical whole health wellness and recovery within an inclusive, supportive community-based setting.
The Journey :
The journey towards healing transcends the treatment of substance use and mental health disorders. At that's in life wellness foundation, our mission echoes the understanding that true healing requires nurturing community and unwavering support. Our approach deeply rooted in evidence-based treatments provides a safe and inclusive haven where individuals with shared experiences come together to foster growth and healing.
Lived Experiences:
Luis Pimentel, a retired navy Corpsman, serves as the President and co-founder of That Zen Life Wellness Foundation, Inc.
He has a strong background working in the medical field with active duty, veterans and families. After losing his son due to a lack of mental health support he co-founded TZLWF to eradicate isolation and mental health and substance abuse battles for communities and our service members, veterans and families. With the foundation rooted from personal experience, TZLWF main purpose is to bridge the gaps in care and support to reduce the all too often tragic outcomes.
What We Know:
We understand that unique challenges faced by civilians and SMVF (service members, vets and families). Especially in areas where mental health resources are scarce and stigma surrounding the pursuit of help, which remains persistent.
By providing a range of training and services, we aim to create a community where healing is not just a possibility but an inevitability.
Conflict of interests
No board member of That Zen life Wellness Foundation, Inc. shall be an applicant for services or recipient of services. This Organization does not, accept applications nor provide services to neither current staff members nor board members as prescribed by regulations, but does allow for resources and education to be given. Applicants can not serve on the board while in receipt of services with this organization or serve in the board.